2024 BOOST Nation: Town Hall Meetings
Expanding Student Success: The State of Expanded Learning in California
Michael Funk, Expanded Learning Division Director, California Department of Education (CDE), Sacramento, CA; Heather Williams, Director, Policy & Outreach, California AfterSchool Network, Sacramento, CA
Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in the Current Political Crisis
Ted Lewis, M. Ed., Director of Youth Well-Being, Human Rights Campaign Foundation, Washington, DC
#AfterschoolWorks: Crafting Your Afterschool Message & Lights On Afterschool Events
Tiyana Glenn, Project Manager; Shaun Gray, Sr. Manager, Production and Office Operations, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, DC
Addressing Hunger During the Out-of-School Time Hours
Kelsey Boone, Senior Child Nutrition Policy Analyst, Food Research & Action Center (FRAC), Washington, DC
Work-Based Learning Opportunities- A Win for OST & Community Partners
Moderator: Siddhartha Vivek, President & CEO, Junior Achievement, San Diego, CA
Panelists: Dr. David Miyashiro, Superintendent, Cajon Valley Union School District, El Cajon, CA
Don’t Leave Money on the Table: Strategizing About Accessing Potential Remaining Federal American Rescue Plan (ARP) Funds
Moderators: Terry K. Peterson, Ph.D., "Godfather of Afterschool" and Senior Advisor, Mott Foundation, Charleston, SC; Tiffany Gipson, Director, Equity and Quality, California AfterSchool Network, Sacramento, CA
Panel Members: Robin Berlinsky, CEO, Engaging Creative Minds, Charleston, SC; Amy Keely, Director, South Carolina Afterschool Leaders Empowered, The Riley Institute at Furman University, Greenville, SC; Ana Zandarin, Director, Summer Arts for Learning Academy, Arts for Learning Maryland, Baltimore, MD
2023 BOOST Nation: Town Hall Meetings
Expanding Student Success: The State of Expanded Learning in California
Heather Williams, Director, Policy and Outreach, California AfterSchool Network, Sacramento, CA; Michael Funk, Director, Expanded Learning Division, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA
Engage Every Student- Fulfilling the Promise of Universal Afterschool and Summer Learning for All Children
Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, D.C.; Aaron Dworkin, Chief Executive Officer, National Summer Learning Association, Washington, D.C.; Hillary Oravec, Summer and Afterschool Project Lead, National Comprehensive Center, Akron, OH; Brandis Stockman, Senior Specialist, Education & Expanded Learning, National League of Cities, Washington, D.C.; Sheronda Witter Fleming, Ph.D., Out-of-School Time Partnerships Fellow, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Education, Garner, NC
The Power of Us - The Latest Data on the Youth Fields Workforce & Why It Matters
Jill Young, Senior Researcher, American Institutes for Research, Arlington, VA; Deborah Moroney, Vice President, American Institutes for Research, Arlington, VA; Aleah Rosario, Co-CEO, Partnership for Children & Youth, Oakland, CA
It Takes All of Us: Join the Movement to Advance the Expanded Learning Workforce
Aleah Rosario, Co-CEO, Partnership for Children & Youth, Sacramento, CA; Jenny Hicks, Project Director, Partnership for Children & Youth, Oakland, CA; Lupine Reppert, Executive Director, California School-Age Consortium, Oakland, CA
2022 BOOST Nation: Town Hall Meetings
Expanding Student Success: The State of Expanded Learning in California
Michael Funk, Director, Expanded Learning Division, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA; Heather Williams, Director of Policy & Outreach, California AfterSchool Network, Sacramento, CA
A Safer Future for Our Youth?
Tremayne Edwards, Education and Engagement Director, Alliance for Gun Responsibility, Seattle, WA; Theresa Hardy, Executive Director, BRAVE, Seattle, WA
Sustaining & Growing Afterschool Program Funding
Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, D.C.
Addressing the Political Polarization of SEL
Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, D.C.; Meg Pitman, National Director, Partnership & Collaborations, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Vashon, WA
2021 BOOST Nation: Town Hall Meetings
Expanding Student Success: The State of Expanded Learning in California
Michael Funk, Expanded Learning Division Director, California Department of Education, Heather Williams, Program Director, Policy & Outreach, California AfterSchool Network; Sacramento, CA
Fostering Protective Factors in Children and Youth: Making an Impact That Can Last a Lifetime
Dan Gilbert, Sr. Program Manager; Nikki Yamashiro, Vice President of Policy, Afterschool Alliance, Washington D.C.; Eric Johnston, Executive Director, Todos Juntos, Washington, D.C.; Regino Chavez, Director of Evaluation, LA's BEST, Los Angeles, CA
Maximizing the “New Found” Potentials of Adolescence in Afterschool and Summer Programs
Terry K. Peterson, Ph.D., Education Consultant, Mott Foundation and Senior Fellow, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC; Femi Vance, Ph.D., Researcher, American Institutes for Research, Oakland, CA
Young, Educated, and Diverse...We Think
Aleah Rosario, Senior Specialist, Workforce Initiatives, California AfterSchool Network, Sacramento, CA; Leslye Lugo, Program Specialist, California AfterSchool Network, San Francisco, CA
Raise Your Voice: Engage, Advocate, and Make Afterschool a Priority in your Community and Across California
Jennifer Peck, President & CEO, Partnership for Children & Youth; Jen Dietrich, Director of Policy, Partnership for Children & Youth, El Cerrito, CA
2019 BOOST Nation: Town Hall Meetings
Expanding Student Success: The State of Expanded Learning in California
Michael Funk, Director, Expanded Learning Division, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA
Building Partnerships in Support of Where, When, & How Learning Happens
Jeff Davis, Executive Director, California AfterSchool Network, Sacramento, CA; Priscilla M. Little, Senior Consultant, The Forum for Youth Investment, Washington, D.C.; Deborah Moroney, Managing Director, American Institutes for Research, Chicago, IL; Dan Gilbert, Senior Project Manager, SEL Specialist, The Afterschool Alliance, Washington, D.C.
Promoting Safety, Inclusion, and Well-Being for LGBTQ+ Youth
Dr. Vincent Pompei, Director, Youth Well-Being Project, Human Rights Campaign Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Save Afterschool - Advocacy Strategies For All
Jodi Grant, Executive Director; Alexis Steines, Director of Field Outreach; Nikki Yamashiro, Director of Research, Afterschool Alliance, Washington D.C.; Eric Gurna, President & CEO; Laura Beebe, Director of Public Partnerships, LA’s Best, Los Angeles, CA
The State of Black Students: Examining the Academic and Health Outcomes of Black Youth in California
Earl Edwards, Researcher, UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools, Los Angeles, CA
2018 BOOST Nation: Town Hall Meetings
Expanding Student Success: The State of Expanded Learning in California
Michael Funk, Director, Expanded Learning Division, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA; Heather Williams, Strategic Initiatives & Partnerships Lead, Expanded Learning Division, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA
Shining the Light on SEL: Program to Policy
Daren Howard, Director of Technical Assistance, Partnership for Children and Youth, Oakland, CA; Stacey Daraio, Co-Director, Temescal Associates, Oakland, CA; Michael Funk, Director, Expanded Learning Division, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA; Fausto Lopez, Senior TA Consultant, American Institutes for Research, Chicago, IL
Advocacy in the Trump Administration: Cultivating Challenging Policymakers
Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, D.C.; Angela Henry, Director, SAFE BASE, Iola, KS; Linda Barton, Director, Wyoming Afterschool Alliance, Lander WY
Prop 64 & Marijuana Taxes: Supporting Prevention & Early Intervention for Youth
Jeff Davis, Executive Director, California AfterSchool Network, Sacramento, CA; Anissa Sonnenburg, Education Programs Consultant, Expanded Learning Division, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA; Jessica Hay, Program Director, California AfterSchool Network, Sacramento, CA; Steve Fowler, Consultant, Fowler Hoffman, CA
Connecting School Board Member Advocacy and OST Programs
Mike Walsh, President, California School Boards Association, California School Boards Association, Oroville, CA; Bruce Dennis, President of the California County Boards of Education, Trustee, Riverside County Office of Education, Riverside, CA; Emma Turner, President-elect of the California School Boards Association, Trustee, La Mesa-Spring Valley School District, La Mesa, CA; Amy Christianson, COO Beacon Services, Trustee, Butte County Office of Education, Oroville, CA
2017 BOOST Nation: Town Hall Meetings
Expanding Student Success: The State of Expanded Learning in California
Michael Funk, Director, Expanded Learning Division; Heather Williams, Strategic Initiatives Coordinator, Expanded Learning Division; Dr. William J. Ellerbee, Jr., Deputy Superintendent of the Student Support & Special Services Branch, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA
Washington Update: The State of Afterschool Following the 2016 Elections
Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, DC
Seven Years of Summer
Justina Acevedo-Cross, Program Officer, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Berkeley, CA; Frederick Buggs, Education Programs Consultant, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA; Nazaneen Khalilnaji-Otto, Summer Matters Campaign Director, Partnership for Children and Youth, Oakland, CA; Rachel Gwaltney, Director of Policy and Partnerships, National Summer Learning Association, Baltimore, MD
The Cost of Quality in Out-Of-School Time
Moderator: Terry K. Peterson, PhD, Education Consultant, Mott Foundation and Senior Fellow, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC
Panelists: Eric Gurna, President & CEO, LA’s BEST, Los Angeles, CA; Steve Fowler, Partner, Fowler Hoffman, Richmond, CA; Stu Cohen, Principal, FMA (Fiscal Management Associates), New York, NY
Responding to Globalization in Out-of-School Time
Moderator: Heather Loewecke, Senior Program Manager, Global Learning Beyond School, Center for Global Education at Asia Society, New York, NY
Panelists: Terry K. Peterson PhD, Education Consultant, Mott Foundation and Senior Fellow, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC; Liz Nusken, Technical Advisor, Evidence-Based Youth Development Programs, YMCA of the USA, Chicago, IL; Jennifer A. Skuza, PhD, Assistant Dean, University of Minnesota, Extension Center for Youth Development, St. Paul, MN
2016 BOOST Nation: Town Hall Meetings
Expanding Student Success: The State of Expanded Learning in California
Dr. William J. Ellerbee, Jr., Deputy Superintendent of the Student Support & Special Services Branch; CA Department of Education, Sacramento, CA; Michael Funk, Director; Heather Williams, Strategic Initiatives Coordinator, After School Division, CA Department of Education, Sacramento, CA; Tim Taylor, Superintendent, Butte County Office of Education, Oroville, CA; Stacey Ault Bell, Youth Development Director, Sacramento City Unified School District, Sacramento, CA
Sisters Inspiring Change: Uniting Voices
Angelica Ramsey, Associate Superintendent, Santa Clara County Office of Education, San Jose, CA
After School Education and Safety Program (ASES) Financing Policy: It Doesn’t Add Up
Jessica Gunderson, Policy Director, Partnership for Children & Youth, Oakland, CA; Steve Amick, Director of Policy & Partnerships, THINK Together, Santa Ana, CA; Ruth Obel-Jorgensen, Executive Director, California School-Age Consortium, Oakland, CA
Understanding the Next 21st Century Funding Opportunities in California
Don Taylor, Education Administrator, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA
Expanded Learning in the LCAP: Benefits for Districts and Students Michael Funk, Director, CA Department of Education, After School Division, Sacramento, CA; Katie Brackenridge, Sr. Director, Partnerships for Children & Youth, Oakland, CA; Angelica Ramsey, Associate Superintendent, Santa Clara County Office of Education, Santa Clara, CA; Randy Mehrten, Senior Director, Safe & Healthy Kids, Fresno County Office of Education, Fresno, CA; Allison Haynes, Administrator, Pupil & Administrative Services, Division of Educational Services, Riverside County Office of Education, Riverside, CA; William McCoy, Superintendent, Red Bluff Union Elementary School District, Red Bluff, CA
2015 BOOST Nation: Town Hall Meetings
The State of After School in California
Michael Funk, Director; Heather Williams, Strategic Initiatives Coordinator, After School Division, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA; Monroe Howard, Specialist II, Youth Development, Sacramento City Unified School District
ASES Programs Caught in a Fiscal Squeeze
Steven Amick, Director of Policy and Partnerships, THINK Together, Santa Ana, CA
We Are My Brother's Keeper
Bruno Marchesi, Project Manager, Center for Collaborative Solutions, Sacramento, CA; Diego Arancibia, Director, ASAPconnect at the Santa Clara County Office of Education, San Jose, CA
Advocating for Afterschool
Jodi Grant, Executive Director; Alexis Steines, Director of Field Outreach, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, DC; Omari McCleary, Program Director, COMPASS Program at PS 297, Good Shepherd Services, New York, NY
Money, Money, Money!
Mary Jo Ginty, Expanded Learning Regional Lead, Los Angeles County Office of Education, Downey, CA; Jessica Gunderson, Policy Director, Partnership for Children and Youth, Oakland, CA; Ray Andry, Asst. Superintendent of Educational Services, Mountain View School District (Los Angeles County)
2014 BOOST Nation: Town Hall Meetings
The State of Afterschool in California
Dr. William Ellerbee, Jr., Deputy Superintendent, Student Support & Special Services Branch, California Department of Education; Michael Funk, Director, After School Division, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA
Let's Talk: Voices of a Community that Values Learning for All
Lucy Friedman, President, TASC, New York, NY; Belma Johnson, Vice President, Communications & Public Affairs, LA's BEST, Los Angeles, CA; Patrick Duhon, Director of Expanded Learning, Providence Public Schools/Providence After School Alliance, Providence, RI; Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, D.C.
The State of Afterschool: What You Can Do About Federal Policy Challenges and Opportunities
Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, D.C.
The Local Control Funding Formula and How You Can Get Involved
Steve Amick, Director of Policy and Partnerships, THINK Together, Santa Ana, CA
Something to Say: Success Principles for Afterschool Art Programs
Denise Montgomery, Director, Next Level SMG, San Diego, CA
2013 BOOST Nation: Town Hall Meetings
Town Hall: The State of After School in California
Dr. William Ellerbee, Jr., Deputy Superintendent, Student Support & Special Services Branch, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA; Michael Funk, Director, After School Division, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA
Advocating Afterschool: Building A Case for Policy Makers, Your Community and the Public
Alexis Steines, Field Outreach Associate, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, DC
Health Benefits You Can Afford: New Program Offers Big Opportunity for Afterschool Staff, Student & Families
Dr. Ruben Ingram, Executive Director, School Employers Association of California, Irvine, CA; John Glynn, President, J Glynn & Co, Oakland, CA; Adriana Robles, Afterschool Consultant, Yorba Linda, CA
Updating California's 21st CCLC Law: Using Practice to Inform Policy
Jennifer Peck, Executive Director, Partnership for Children and Youth, Oakland, CA; Katie Brackenridge, Partnership for Children and Youth, Oakland, CA
Safe Schools Panel
Moderator: Alison Haynes, Administrator, Riverside County Office of Education, Riverside, CA
Panel Members: Arthur Cummins, Administrator, Orange County Department of Education, Costa Mesa, CA; Nancy Wilkey, Sergeant, Orange County Sheriff’s Department, Santa Ana, CA; Heather Williams, Program Director and CRT Coordinator, Community Service Program, Victims Assistance Program, Santa Ana, CA; Anthony Ceja, Coordinator, Student Support Services, San Diego County Office of Education, San Diego, CA
2012 BOOST Nation: Town Hall Meetings
The State of After School in California
Michael Funk, Director, Afterschool Division, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA
Federal Threats to Afterschool and Why Your Voice Matters
Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, DC
Creating an Education Nation: The Ingredients of an Innovative Educational System
Dr. Milton Chen, Senior Fellow, The George Lucas Educational Foundation, & Edutopia Video, San Rafael, CA
California Afterschool Advocacy Alliance (CA3)
Steve Amick, Director of School District Partnerships, THINK Together, Orange County, CA
Promising Practices in Afterschool: Engaging Middle School Youth
Alexis Steines, Field Outreach Associate, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, DC
The State of Equity After-School/Out of School: How Extended Learning Opportunity Meets Diverse Student Needs
Ernest Saadiq Morris, Esq., Director, Urban Youth Justice Initiative (Urban Youth Justice), Seattle, WA
2011 BOOST Nation: Town Hall Meetings
The State of After School in the Nation
Jodi Grant, Executive Director, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, DC
The State of After School in California
Gordon Jackson, Assistant Superintendent, Learning Support and Partnerships Division, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA
The Power and Future of Out-of-School Time Programs
US Congressman David Cicilline, Member-elect of the House of Representatives, Rhode Island’s 1st District , Washington, DC
John Goodwin, Teacher Health Sciences High and Middle College (HSHMC), San Diego, CA