Exhibitor Showcase Workshops

Exhibitor Showcase workshops allow companies 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, or 2-hour block of time to promote, showcase, demonstrate and present their products and/or services in a workshop setting during the BOOST Conference.

Large Exhibitor Showcase workshops are facilitated in a large breakout room in the Palm Springs Convention Center off of the Exhibit Hall with capacity for up to 125 participants with 100 chairs placed around the perimeter, and plenty of active space for lots of movement. Small and medium Exhibitor Showcase workshops are held in standard breakout rooms with both active space and round tables, accommodating 40-50 attendees. You must be a registered BOOST Conference Exhibitor to present an Exhibitor Showcase workshop.

Joining Exhibitor Showcase workshops gives attendees a chance to learn about new products and services in the field and how they can be best utilized in today's youth programs. 

Wednesday, April 30

10:30AM - 12:15PM

2:45PM - 4:45PM

Thursday, May 1

10:00AM - 12:00PM

1:15PM - 2:30PM

3:45PM - 5:15PM

Friday, May 2

9:15AM - 11:15AM

Large Exhibitor Showcase workshops

 BOOST Conference Breakout Rooms Large Exhibitor Showcase

MEDIUM Exhibitor Showcase workshops

medium exhibitor showcase 

SMALL Exhibitor Showcase workshops

 small exhibitor showcase

Interested in presenting an Exhibitor Showcase workshop?

andrea photo 2016

Andrea Seals Wilson, Exhibit & Sponsorship Account Director
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 619-940-6371


Please note: Name badges are required to attend all BOOST Conference events including all meals and all workshops.

Donate to BOOSTDonate to BOOST to help create change

By donating to BOOST Collaborative you are supporting our mission to provide quality professional development to global educators, building community, and cultivating experiences for change. You are supporting our purpose - thank you for your support. 

Click here to make a donation today.


boostcollaborative logo BOOST conference NEW logo copy boost cafe transparentBOOST Cafe Breakfast Club logo copy BOOST training assistance logo BOOST bootcamp logorise-footertrust-logo4x4LOGOS_03   

BOOST Collaborative | 1286 University Ave #739 | San Diego, California 92103 | 619-23-BOOST (619-232-6678)