Before submitting your proposal for the BOOST Conference, you must agree to the following guidelines. Please read carefully and check each agreement box in the proposal. By checking these boxes you are indicating that you understand and agree to abide by the BOOST Conference Workshop Guidelines. Failure to abide by these guidelines may jeopardize your ability to present at future BOOST events. 

Workshop Session Content & Scheduling

-All workshops are non-commercial and may not be used as promotional opportunities. Presenter(s) will not solicit any business or promote products or services (your company or another company) during workshop sessions. (Please note that attendees will be asked for feedback on this matter on the individual workshop session evaluations.)

-Any changes made to workshop titles, descriptions, or presenters made after RFP submission will be subject to additional review by the BOOST Conference Leadership Team. We are unable to guarantee that your workshop will be accepted due to changes in the above areas which may affect your opportunity to present a workshop at the BOOST Conference.

-Presenters must be available to present on any of the three (3) conference days, if necessary. We are unable to accommodate specific requests for workshop time slots.

-Presenters agree that their workshop will be scheduled at either the Palm Springs Convention Center, Renaissance Hotel, or Hilton Hotel, and walking may be involved. 

-Presenters agree that they will facilitate their workshop and provide enough learning content for the entire length of time of the scheduled session. Presenters ending their session early may jeopardize their opportunity to present a workshop at future BOOST Conferences and/or events.

-Presenter(s) will allow 5-7 minutes at the end of the workshop for attendees to complete a workshop evaluation.

-Presenter(s) agree that they will NOT provide their own evaluation and will solely use the BOOST Conference evaluation form (this unique QR code will be provided by your room host at the beginning of your session) 

-Presenter(s) agree that our BOOST Conference workshop evaluation results will be posted publicly on the BOOST Conference website after the conference.

-Presenter(s) acknowledge that they will have a volunteer Room Host in their workshop to monitor workshop attendance, assist with workshop logistics before, during, and after my workshop, and with your support, ensure that participants complete the workshop evaluation.

Workshop Materials & Supplies

-Presenters agree to submit ALL digital workshop materials, by March 31, to be posted on the BOOST Cafe website prior to the conference. I acknowledge that BOOST will not provide me with my workshop evaluation results post-conference if I do not submit these materials. Workshop materials may include handouts, PowerPoints, fliers, resources, or additional supplemental learning materials for conference attendees. All materials must be sent in PDF format.

-Presenters agree to provide enough handouts and materials for the capacity of the workshop room. Digital copies are also acceptable.


-The BOOST Conference recognizes one main presenter as the point of contact for each workshop regarding communication and registration matters. 

-It is the sole responsibility of the main presenter contact to communicate any pertinent workshop information and/or conference updates directly with co-presenters, invitees, guest speakers, and/or panel members, if applicable. 

Audio/Visual Equipment

-All presenters will be provided a flip chart & markers as well as an A/V Support Package (including tripod screen with skirt; cart with skirt; and all cables including power strip, and extension cord). Any additional A/V equipment will be the responsibility of the presenter.

-All presenters are solely responsible for providing their own laptops, LCD projectors, DVD players, CD players, speakers, laptop adapters, and Internet service. You can bring your own audio visual equipment or order it directly from our contracted AV company. 

Travel & Other Conference Related Costs

-All presenters (including all co-presenters, guest speakers, panel members, invitees & additional agency members) must pay the respective conference registration rate by the registration deadline. Only ONE presenter from each workshop will receive the special presenter conference registration rate of $299.
PLEASE NOTE: Only ONE person from an organization/agency may receive the special presenter conference registration rate, regardless of the number of workshops an agency facilitates during the BOOST Conference.
REGISTRATION NOTE: The main presenter contact will receive the discount code upon acceptance of the workshop session which can be used for ONE person in the group only. 

(Any and all additional presenters, including co-presenters, guest speakers, panel members, invitees, or additional agency members must pay full-price registration based on the registration phase when they register. This policy is not flexible and is regardless of the length of time spent at the BOOST Conference. ALL presenters MUST be registered and paid to attend the BOOST Conference and wear their name badges for entrance to all sessions, meals, and special events )

-All presenters, co-presenters, guest speakers, invitees, and panel members are responsible for paying their own travel, lodging, materials, and other conference-related costs.

-All presenters, co-presenters, guest speakers, invitees, and panel members will abide by current BOOST Conference registration policies. 

-By submitting an RFP I acknowledge that I have adequate funding in my budget this year to attend this conference (this includes travel, registration fees, and other associated costs) as well as permission from my district/organization to participate. 


-I agree that at least one presenter from our workshop will attend the mandatory live (virtual) BOOST Presenter Orientation held the last week of March. 

-I understand that not abiding by the above guidelines may jeopardize my standing as a presenter for this conference, as well as future BOOST Collaborative events.

-I understand that I am financially responsible for any damages to the workshop room within the facility and will pay any charges as a result.


Donate to BOOSTDonate to BOOST to help create change

By donating to BOOST Collaborative you are supporting our mission to provide quality professional development to global educators, building community, and cultivating experiences for change. You are supporting our purpose - thank you for your support. 

Click here to make a donation today.


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BOOST Collaborative | 1286 University Ave #739 | San Diego, California 92103 | 619-23-BOOST (619-232-6678)