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2010 Job Titles of Attendees click image to download
A Caring Approach to Violence Prevention and Character Education Regina Birrenkott, Senior Director, Prevention Programs, Mendez Foundation, Tampa, FL
Accelerating Learning and Empowerment – Using the Inspired Learning Model Peter J. Reading, Founder, The Foundation for Inspired Learning, La Mesa, CA
A Comprehensive Teen Sexual Health Conversation; Sex, Drugs, and Hip Hop Theresa Fox, Program Director, YMCA of San Diego County, San Diego, CA
Adults in After School – Role Models, Mentors, and Friends Marlene Bumgarner, Author, Instructor, Consultant, Gavilan Community College, Morgan Hill, CA
Adventures in Vintage Lisa Jones, Owner/Operator, Lisa Jones Consulting, Chula Vista, CA
Afterschool Astronomy: Bringing the Universe into the Community Sara Mitchell, Education/Outreach Specialist; Sarah Eyermann, Education/Outreach Specialist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
Afterschool for All: Making the Case to Policy Makers, Your Community and the Public Rivka Burstein-Stern, Field Outreach Coordinator, Afterschool Alliance, Washington, DC
After School University – Youth Development Begins With You! Carola Secada, Operations & Training Director; Mark Marano, Program Coordinator, YMCA of Greater Long Beach, Long Beach, CA
The Best of Both Worlds: How Quality Programs Can Integrate Youth Development and Academic Standards (And Still Be Fun!) Michael Funk, Director; Jon Bernson, Urban Music Programmer, Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center, Aspiranet, San Francisco, CA
Bridging Student Learning Yvonne Poirer, Consultant; Diane Cardinalli, Consultant, CP Extended Learning, LLC, Idyllwild, CA
Building Blocks for Quality Programs CynDee Zandes, Senior Consultant, Consult 4 Kids, Bakersfield, CA
Building High School Student Leaders with Vision and Heart Stu Semigran, President, EduCare, Thousand Oaks, CA
Closing the Achievement Gap for After School Programs Yvonne Evans, Education Programs Consultant, After School Programs Office; Joshua Brady, Education Programs Consultant, After School Programs Office, California Department of Education (CDE), Sacramento, CA
The Creative Payoff – Assessing the Benefits of Creative Content in Out-of-School Time Programs Maria del Pilar O’Cadiz, Ph.D., Project Scientist; Claudia G. Pineda, Ed. D., Assistant Researcher, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA
Dare to do Extended Day in High School Elayne Walker-Calbral, Director, Met Community School, Providence, RI
Dealing with Resistance – How to Stay out of Power Struggles Frederick Becker, Director, Becker Institute, Carlsbad, CA
Developing Local Learning Communities Michelle Perrenoud, Project Coordinator, Los Angeles County Office of Education, Los Angeles, CA
Dollars and Sense: Securing Sustainable Funding for Your Program Andria J. Fletcher Ph.D., Consultant, Center for Collaborative Solutions, Sacramento, CA
The Drum Bus… Mobile Music Room Mike Liston, President, Rhythms of Life, Salt Lake City, Utah
Embracing the Challenges of Working with Older Youth Carol McElvain, Senior Program Associate, Learning Point Associates, Naperville, IL; Jaime Stephanidis, Program Associate, Learning Point Associates, Chicago, IL
Ending the Cycle of Violence by Empowering Kids, Saving Lives, and Teaching Peace Jenifer Finkelstein, Program Coordinator; Robin Hart, Program Director; and Special Guests TKF Founders, Azim Khamisa and Ples Felix, Tariq Khamisa Foundation, San Diego, CA
Fantasy Baseball Tim Scheidt, Author, Action Math Group (AMG), San Diego, CA
Fund Development Strategies Cathie Mostovoy, CEO, Woodcraft Rangers, Los Angeles, CA
Getting Along Teaching Social Skills Mike Ashcraft, Founder and CEO, Children’s Choice, Albuquerque, NM
Getting Kids Healthy and Back Outdoors Melissa Hanson, President, Sajai Foundation, Hamel, MN
Green That Ning! Environmental Web 2.0 Shawn Petty, PMP, Program Director, BE A CHAMPION, INC., Houston, TX
Healing, Inspiring, and Empowering Youth through Art Adriana Escobar, Program Manager; Rob Tobin, Creative Director, A Reason to Survive (ARTS), San Diego, CA
Hocus Pocus Focus Your Locus Justin McGlamery, Adventure Educator; Mike Gessford, Adventure Education Coordinator, Saint Joseph College, West Hartford, CT
The Hook Shot: Maximizing Sports to Teach Kids Life and Leadership Skills off the Court Aaron Dworkin, National Program Director, After-School All-Stars, Los Angeles, CA
Improving Parent Involvement in After School Initiatives Donald Sheffield, President, TAME Inc., Beaver Falls, PA; Pat Jones, Youth and Parent Coordinator, Private Industry Council, Greensburg, PA
Inclusion After School and Parents: Teaming for all Kids! Valodi Foster, California Department of Education, After School Programs Office, Sacramento, CA; Beth Hart, NO CA Inclusion Coordinator, After School Inclusion Project, Carmichael, CA; Judith Van Brocklin, SO CA Inclusion Coordinator, After School Inclusion Project, La Jolla, CA
Infusing Humane Education & Animal Advocacy into OST Programs Stephanie Clark, Manager, Youth Outreach & Training, Humane Society Youth, East Haddam, CT
Inspiring the Dream Andre Lewis, Author, Abutech, Memphis, TN
Keys for Success: Marketing, Recruitment, and Staff Development Gary Moody, Educational Consultant; Eve Moody, Educational Consultant, Fresno County Office of Education, Frenso, CA
Learning English and Beyond: A Holistic Approach for Supporting English Learners Jimena Quiroga, Senior Program Associate; Jhumpa Bhattacharya, Project Director, California Tomorrow, Oakland, CA
Learning in Disguise Gale Gorke, Executive Director, Kids Kan Inc., Calimesa, CA
Make Sport: A Sports Invention Workshop Greg Manley, Commissioner, Circle Rules Federation, Brooklyn, NY
Making Community Relationships Work for High School Youth Ne’Cauje Turner, Models Coordinator; Justin Jackson, AmeriCorps Project Manager, Corporative for After-School Enrichment (CASE), Houston, TX
Marvelous Math Dr. Ferguson, Director of Federal Programs; Bilal Hasan, Project Manager for 21st CCLC, Harrisburg School Disctrict, Harrisburg, PA
Maturing Boys into Men for the 21st Century Jeffery Leiken, President, Evolution Mentoring, San Francisco, CA
New Funding Opportunities for Food Served in After School & Summit Programs Marisa Kirk-Epstein, Program Analyst, USDA, Food & Nutrition, Alexandria, VA; Crystal Fitzsimmon, Director of School and Out-of-School Time Programs, Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), Washington, DC
Partnering with Families for Students’ Success Jaracus Copes, President/CEO, New Destiny, LLC, Laurel, MD
Playful Teaching Practices Bill Michaelis Ph.D., Professor emeritus, San Francisco State University and Director of Children Together, Pacifica, CA; Erza Holland, Faculty, San Francisco State University, Owner, Ezra Holland Consulting LLC, Sausalito, CA
Plug into Science and Technology: The Best of After-School STEM Jason Freeman, Consultant, Learn Science Everywhere, El Cerrito, CA
Positive Discipline & Classroom Systems That Work! Annette Zucconi, Program Manager; Tasha Hruska, Site Director, Roseland Elementary School, CalSERVES, Napa County Office of Education, Rohnert Park, CA
The “Principal” Thing About After School Programs Martha Deichler, Elementary School Principal, Borrego Springs Unified School District, Borrego Springs, CA
Program Fees: Building Flexible Funding and Parent Support for Your Program Katie Brackenridge, Director, Out of School Time, Bay Area Partnership for Children and Youth, Oakland, CA
Program Start-Up and Continued Implementation (201): Going Deeper for Transfer of Learning- Making the Most Out of Your Implementation and Continuous Improvement Strategies Michelle Perrenoud, Program Coordinator, Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE), Downey, CA; Ronnie Clare, LACOD Consultant, Westminster, CA
Project Reality Meets Out-of-School Time Mary Doyle Glover, Field Specialist, CASE, Cooperative for After-School Enrichment
Promoting Character and Moral Development in School-Age Children Leslie Grier, Associate Professor, California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA
Reading Enrichment with the Awesome Power of Reader’s Theater Will Help Your Student’s Reading Fluency and Confidence Soar! Dianna Cleveland, President/Founder, Playbooks Reader’s Theater, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA; Jana Walker, Teacher, Tehachapi Unified School District, Tehachapi, CA
Relationship Education: The Missing Link Kay Reed, Executive Director, Charlotte Worley, Outreach Coordinator, The Dibble Institute, Eads, TN
Role of the Leader as a Facilitator ElizaBeth Phillips, Program Development Director; Susan Dumars, Chief Program Officer, Child Development Inc., Sacramento, CA
Shaping the Future! Kellee McQuinn, Founder, KidTribe, Santa Monica, CA
$how Me the Money! Jonathan O’Brien, Director of Thinkology, Sandy Point Ink, Santa Barbara, CA
Stand Tall Leadership Theater Reba Rose, Lead Trainer, Stand Tall Leadership for Afterschool, Oakland, CA
Strategies that Build Rapport, Connections, and Motivate Students to Engage in the Learning Process Nancy Blackwell, M.Ed., Founder/Lead Trainer, Longevity of Success, Colorado Springs, CO
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. This Summer! Erin Ulrey, Professional Development Associate, National Center for Summer Learning, Baltimore, MD
Taking it to the Streets: Innovative Spaces for Your Afterschool Program Leon Mostovoy, High School Manager; Yessi Hernandez, Site Coordinator SEHS, Woodcraft Rangers, Los Angeles, CA
Teen Dating Abuse Kat Wager, Prevention Educator, Center for Community Solutions, San Diego, CA
Teen Truth Live: Body Image and Self Esteem Stephanie Armstrong, Speaker & Marketing Director, TEEN TRUTH, Tarzana, CA
Through Our Eyes – Youth Media Programs that Informs Youth Empowerment Bianca White, Director of Youth Media Programs, EducationWorks, Philadelphia, PA
Trends in California Afterschool Policy Steven Amick, Executive Director, League of California Afterschool Providers, San Diego, CA
Trends in Federal Afterschool Policy Jennifer Peck, Executive Director, Partnership for Children and Youth, Oakland, CA
Turning Work Spaces into Learning Places Jon Spack, Director of Consulting, Spark, San Francisco, CA
Uncover the Treasures Mary Jo Ginty, Region 11 Lead, Los Angeles County Office of Education, Los Angeles, CA; Onda Johnson, Educational Administrator I, California Department of Education, Sacramento, CA
Understanding Poverty in the U.S. Dena Parmer, National Education Director; Fay Estrada, Youth Development Associate, World Vision, Inc., Federal Way, WA
Using Home Visits to Recruit Hard-to-Reach Parents Pat Davenport, Director, Families and Schools Together, Inc., Madison, WI
Using Market Research to Support Citywide Systems Julie Pokela, Ph.D., President, Market Street Research, Inc., Northampton, MA; Christopher Caruso, Assistant Commissioner, NYC Department of Youth and Community Development, New York, NY
Using Movement Techniques for Classroom Management Melanie Marsh Gale, Director of Programs, Eveoke Dance Theater, San Diego, CA
Utilizing Youth Development Strategies to Address Racisim, Gangs, Violence, and Bullying John Vandenburgh, Youth Development Specialist, PLUS Program, Murrieta, CA
Vision, Action, Results: Producing the Most Highly Effective Youth Leaders Justin Sachs, Best Selling Author/International Speaker/Leadership Coach/Entrepreneur/Philanthropist, Carlsbad, CA
We Squashed It! Problem Solving and Conflict Management Scott Arizala, Consultant, Trainer, & Author, The Camp Counselor, Eugene, OR
Work Smarter – Not Harder: Making Your Afternoons R.O.C.K.! Mallori DeSalle, Community Prevention Specialist; Jasynda Lacy, Education and Training Coordinator, Indiana Prevention Resource Center (IPRC), Bloomington, IN
Working Together with Schools and Families to Support Homework Completion Dr. Cathy Vatterott, Associate Professor of Education at the University of Missouri – St. Louis, St Louis, MA
You Matter. They Matter. Be Creative Chad Furlong, Director, iThink School Assemblies, San Diego, CA
Youth Character Development and Leadership Skills Training Mark Blackshear, Youth Leadership Trainer, Dixie Crane, Program Coordinator, Mental Health Systems, Inc., San Diego, CA